Horse Racing Software | Greyhound Racing Software | Football Software

Author: Kevin

Welcome to Sports Ware Solutions the ultimate website in computerised Horse Racing Software, Greyhound Racing Software and Football Software. In 2005 I began learning, understanding and building programmes. At the same time, I was analysing various betting strategies, finding that many theories work but was very time consuming. This is when I had the idea to link the two and be able to offer you fully automatic computerised Software. I've put in the time so you don't have to! We have designed and built this site for both the novice and the professional alike. All our Software analyses upto date statistics/data, is easy to use, follow and understand with the least amount of effort. We specialise in analysing the stats/data available from multiple sporting events. What makes our website unique is the Software, as it is built and tested by myself! So for whatever reason you need to contact me (the programmer) remember that my friendly help and advice is never more than a quick email away. Thank you for visiting our Website. Kevin & Suzanne!